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Believing in Yourself - Journey of Restoring Self Confidence


Believing in Yourself  Journey of Restoring Self Confidence

Believing in Yourself

Journey of Restoring Self Confidence

Life is a Journey which travels in the form of waves with ups & down being an inseparable part of it. Do you agree?

Understanding meaning of Self Confidence & its Characteristics 

Self Belief / Self Confidence in a simplest sense is trusting your own abilities / Judgement & most importantly value yourself.  No belief is bigger than believing in Yourself & there is no life going up in a straight line. So it's imperative to have self belief as it is the only gate one needs to open between you & Success.

Believing in yourself Quotes

Often one encounter low self confidence due to many reasons , to name a few characteristics :-

  • When one start thinking what other might think of my actions
  • Fear of failure & remaining in our comfort zone
  • Working hard to cover mistakes before it is known to others
  • Being in negative zone & even taking compliments negatively

Thus these signs put one off to a zone of low self confidence & in a negative spiral that it often becomes difficult to come out of.

Quotes on Self Confidence

On the Other Hand Self Confidence Characterized by the following signs: -

  • A self confident person believes in what he/she is doing without worrying about what others or critics say.
  • Willingness to take risk & go beyond the comfort area of operations
  • Admit Mistakes & learn from them so that they are not repeated
  • Inspire positivity around him & take compliments graciously

Why believing in yourself is important?

The Biggest advantage of self belief is Success & the self confidence ensures more people trust you with greater responsibilities.

Apart the above a self confidence makes one performance stands out as one becomes more optimistic,  effective delegation & team management , a greater sense of autonomy & a positive mindset.

Believing in Yourself Quotes

How to ensure that Self Confidence is restored?

No journey of restoration of Self confidence is possible without you having firm belief that you can do it. Some of the important points to note in your journey of restoration are :-

  • Remember your past achievements - No Person leads a life which goes like a straight vertical line to the top. We all have our ups & downs, so the best way to restoration starts from looking at your past achievements & looking at the strength areas of yours. Start building by saying that I can do it because I have done it earlier.  The past achievements help to restore the positivity in you which is the cornerstone of restoring self belief.
  • Do a SWOT Analysis & work on the improvement areas -  No assessment can match the self assessment on weakness which we have. So breakdown the weakness into smaller steps & start working on it so that you start gaining positivity. Every goal or steps achieved takes you closure to regain self confidence. 
Self Belief Quotes

  • Exercise/ Meditation can help - Self confidence or any form of confidence is not possible unless we are healthy from both mind & soul. So give some time on exercising , your looks & bringing these lifestyle changes impact your overall body language thus paving the way to positivity around you.
  • Don't be afraid of trying new things/ taking risks - All problems of life end when we are not afraid & we have only success & a lot of learning once we cross the hurdle of being afraid. Believe that any risk you take will at least give you learning which would become part of you as you travel in the journey of success.
Positive Quotes

  • Open the feedback loop - Though one should vary of negative people or thoughts around us, everyone in life needs validation. One should ask for validation from someone who really cares for you & thus can provide an unbiased view & help in overcoming your weakness. Never shy away from asking for help when needed- Two is always better than one.
  • Pursue your hobby - One needs to understand that we can lead the best results when we are happy & thus we need to find what makes us happy - pursue hobbies which make us happier.

Self Belief Quotes

These all pointers stand a chance only if one is genuinely honest to win the battle of restoring self confidence. Also remember to keep moving on these parameters might take time but gradually you will find yourself moving to the zone of positivity.

Unleash Unbounded Learning

Sandeep Sethi

Project Management Academy

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