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Great Leadership Need to ensure Integrity based workplace

Great Leadership need to ensure Integrity based workplace

 Great Leadership 
Need to ensure Integrity based workplace

Are the things we say is what we do?

One of the characteristics which separates a leader from a great leader is a sense of integrity. Similarly the same stands for a great company.


Integrity meaning in a simplest sense stands for Honesty and strong moral values & principles. At the workplace it is  one of the most important personality traits needed to ensure great leadership.


Importance of integrity in the workplace is exhibited via the following:

  • Trustworthy and Reliability of the leadership.

Great leaders always keep their promises once given & thus making the workplace reliability very high for all the team.
  • Open and honest communication ensures a healthy workplace environment.
Great leaders are never afraid of truth and they believe in seeing things from the real lens of truth, thus developing a workplace offering open & honest communication.
  • Responsibility for one's actions are fixed.
Integrity based culture helps the employees to become better, open and inclusive.
  • Great leadership helps in the good reputation of them as well as the organization.

Leadership Integrity Quote

Every company is different and so are the leadership styles and integrity parameters. Ideally the core concept remains the same: doing the right thing even when nobody's looking at you serves all. But still there are certain moral principles which make one company different from another.

It's important for not only leaders but all team members to exhibit integrity at the workplace.

Some ways of building a workplace with high integrity & moral values :-

  • Following Company Integrity policies Every organization has dedicated Workplace integrity policies which are created to guide  on best practices for everything from conduct to dress code. Following your policies enables all the team members to make informed decisions based on the business principles & Values.
  • Give a helping shoulder / Be a team member first – We all love to delegate given a chance but showing integrity at the workplace requires us to go above and beyond with our own work and help others out if the situation calls for it.

Hard Work Quote

  • Integrity in our attitude should be exhibited in form of Leading by example
    • Great leaders set a very high  standard in maintaining professional conduct that encourages others to follow. Thus integrity expressed top of the line (top leadership team) moves faster than any other modes.
  • Opinion or Suggestion of all are important & needs to be respected. 
    • Great leadership team exhibits the highest form of respect for any suggestion & makes listening the biggest tool to build an integrity based workplace.

Accepting Truth Quotes Status

  • Responsibility/Accountability are fixed for mistakes
    • In life mistakes are bound to occur from time to time but the most important trait one needs to develop is fixing the accountability for mistakes demonstrated. This opens the gate of constructive feedback & the loop of honest communication.
  • Stay focused on the truth & not get tempted by distractions at the workplace.

Truth Quote Status

An integrity based culture helps employees to foster good relationships, having better performance and more importantly ensure retention in the long run.

Quote on Positivity & Winning

So let's keep fighting our battles but do keep in mind that we are doing what's right & true to our eyes and always be ready for constructive feedback.

Unleash Unbounded Learning

Sandeep Sethi

Project Management Academy

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