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Inspiring Quotes on Journey of Learning

 Inspiring Quotes on Journey of Learning

Journey of life is all about the journey of learning & every step we take in this bring with it, a lot of learnings & lessons of lifetime. In the journey of learning one get inspired by many & inspires many & this continues till the end of our lifetime.

Top Inspiring Quotes

Some of the Quotes which are inspiring & would help you in your journey are listed below. Keep scrolling to find the top inspiring quotes.

  • " Books help me discover the learning journey of life" 

Books are our true partners & they become our first partner in our journey of learning.  

Book Quote Motivational

  • " A novel is that mirror which can take you to any ride as you desire"

A novel is a book which becomes the first story teller in  our life & writer has the potential to take us to undiscovered lands , fantasies  & much more. 

Motivational Quote Novel

  • "Life Changes whether you win or lose" - 

As our life progresses we encounter the taste of success or lose some battles. But each success or failure changes something in us & it is upon us to take this in our stride & move forward. Neither Success should not sit on our heads nor the failure but one should definitely take the lessons from it to have a better future.

Inspiring Quote

  • "Troubles of life enlighten us to the path of victory" - 

Troubles in life are part an parcel of this life. A life without trouble does not exist so one should not lose the path of hope & determination in our journey of success. Troubles brings the best out of us & show the world what we are capable of. So don't be bogged down by troubles, have them in your stride & keep fighting the battle of life.

Quote on troubles

  • " I learn very early in my life that only knowledge will survive till the end." - 

The power of knowledge is that it can't be taken away from you & will forever be your best bet in the times to come. Acquiring of knowledge is a continuous cycle & one should keep acquiring new knowledge always. Investment in knowledge has the highest Return on Investment (ROI)

Quote on learning

  • "You learn to value things when they don't exist anymore" - 

The path of learning is not a linear one & there are lots of ups & downs as we move up in our life. One often value the importance of learning or anyone when we don't have it with us anymore. So do keep a tab on time on hand & keep learning rather than regretting later of the time gone by.

Learning Quotes

  • "I have nothing to lose as knowledge is my property" - 

Once you acquire knowledge it becomes yours & you can give it & still don't lose it. It is the best property to invest in your lifetime. A person can acquire  knowledge all his lifetime & this is true till we give up. So keep making more property of yours which would last a lifetime for sure.

Quotes inspiring

  • "Every failure is a gift wrapped with a lesson" - 

Every failure should be treated as a gift from the god where he want us to learn the underlying mistake or a lesson. Once we change our outlook to a failure our chances of success next times goes up drastically. 

Failure Quote

  • "The biggest losers in life are those who don't start " - 

It is not that all battles can be won by everyone. In life , one person wins & other lose, but what is is important is that at least both of them started.  Biggest losers in life are those who does not even give a try or start their journey. So keep trying till you win. 

Inspiring Quotes

Keep Learning. Keep Growing

Unleash the power of Learning Unbounded

©Sandeep Sethi

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